Just Your Typical Office Tour, Part 4 of 8


Spooky?  Hardly, as guests and our host are always protected under the watchful eyes of Professor Einstein and his armor-suited companion.

Doors into yet other worlds (well, actually entryways into a closet and a  lavatory).  We also see the entrance archways on the left, and a collection of collections on the right. 

If a door is a portal into another world, the knob is its actuator.  Observant visitors are encouraged to take note of the door knobbery.

A series of collections:

On the top shelf, a grouping of measuring devices: Ammeters and Voltmeters and Speedometers, oh my!

In the middle, a gaggle of tin automatons, shooting sparks, ready for inspired mayhem.

And at the bottom, a collection of communication devices from bygone eras.

A tiny visitor from a forbidden planet greets us.  "He has no face -- only a complicated arrangement of electronic gadgets which crackle and light up at unexpected moments.  In spite of his disproportioned arms and legs, he only very roughly suggests the human shape.  His hands are tools, and various spare parts are neatly clipped to his body, back, and front."  We wonder at his true intentions.  Is he friend... or foe?  Humble Servant or would-be Master?  Either way, the diminutive mechanical man looks quite dashing in brilliant red.

Among the tools for communicating ideas is this relic, a primitive document publishing system.  The mind wanders as it contemplates the works conjured on this device over its many decades of tireless employment: fine-tuned business plans for world domination, intimate letters revealing lovers' lost secrets, whimsical novels of adventures to strange, distant lands...

The bottom edge of the pendant lamps are perfectly calibrated to hang exactly one Hessman Height Unit (HHU) off of the floor.

A knight guards the proprietor answering a bazillion e-mail messages with Professor Einstein looking over his shoulder

Looking back to the entrance, doors, and
a Righteous Bison shipping box on the upper right

Ahhh... The Art of Door Knobs

Collections of meters, toy robotry, communication devices, &c.

Resistance is Futile!

A primordial word processor

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